Tuesday, May 5, 2009 at 12:50 AM |  
TCP / IP – (Acronym for Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol). A
  protocol suite (or set of Protocols) develop by the U.S. Department
  of defense for communication over interconnected, sometimes 
  dissimilar, networks. It is built into the UNIX system and has bec –
  come the de facto standard for data transmission over networks

  including internet. 

As with all other communication protocol, TCP/IP is composed of layers:

TCP – Is responsible for verifying the correct delivery of data from client to
  server. Data can be lost in the intermediate network. TCP adds support
  to detect errors or lost data and to trigger transmission until the data
  is correctly and completely received.

IP – Is responsible for moving packet of data from node to node. IP forwards
  each packet based on the four byte destination address (the IP address)
  The Internet authorities assigned ranges of numbers to different organ –
  izations. The organization assigned groups of their numbers to depart – 
  ments. IP operates on gateway machine that move data from depart – 
  ment to organization to region and then around the world.

Sockets – Is a name given to the package of subroutines that provides


DECIMAL                                              BINARY
128                                                          10000000
64                                                            01000000
32                                                            00100000
16                                                             00010000
8                                                               00001000
4                                                               00000100
2                                                               00000010
1                                                               00000001

When converting binary data to decimal, a
“0” is equal to 0. “1” is equal to 
The number that corresponds to the field it is in. For example, the number
213 would be 11010101 in binary notation. This calculated as follows:
128+64+0+16+0+4+0+1 = 213. Remember that this only represent 1 octet
Of 8 bits, while a full IP address is
32 bits made up of 4 octets. This being
True, the IP address would look like 11010101, 10000000,
01000100, 10000010.


class                                                           range

A                                                                  1 – 126

B                                                                  128 – 191

C                                                                  192 – 223

IP addresses can be class A, B, or C. Class A addresses are for the networks
with a larger number of hosts. The first octet is the netid and 3 remaining
octets are the hostid. Class
B addresses are used in medium to large net –
works with the first 2 octets making up the netid and the remaining 2 are
the hostid. A class
C is for smaller networks with the first 3 octets making up
the netid and the last octet comprising the hostid.


  1. Client for Microsoft Networks
  2. Servicing Advertising Protocol
  3. File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
  4. QoS Packet Scheduler
  5. Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

Client for Microsoft Networks – on a LAN or the Internet, a computer that 
  accesses shared network resources provided
  by another computer.

Servicing Advertising Protocol – A method used by service-providing node ina network (such as a file server or applicationserver) to notify other nodes on the network that it is available for access. When a server boots, it uses the protocol to advertise its service; when the same server goes off line, it uses the protocol to announce that it is no longer available.

File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks – To make files, directories, or folders accessible to other users over a network.

 QoS Packet Scheduler – The guaranteed throughput (data transfer rate)  level.

To configure the Network Connection:

Start, Control Panel, Network Connections, then right click the Local Area 
Connection, Properties, Then check the available Protocols, together with
The show icon notification area when connected.

To configure the TCP / IP Properties

In the Local Area Connection Properties click the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
Then click the properties, in the general tab click the “Use the following IP
Address” then type the IP address:, the Subnet mask: 255.255.
255.0, the Default gateway,